Featured Articles

EMV Adoption Has Changed the Payments Landscape
Fewer than 10 percent of all payments in the U.S. used EMV before the shift went into effect, but today, nearly every credit card in circulation has a microchip embedded in it.

New Updates to the QIR Program: Here’s What You Need to Know
Specifically the changes will address the leading causes of data breaches: poor password practices, insecure remote access, and outdated software that is unpatched.

Internet of Things (IoT) Security Matters
As devices and appliances with internet capabilities proliferate, so do the security risks.

Email Phishing in 2018 – What You Need to Know
More than 90 percent of all successful cybersecurity attacks begin with email phishing.

No Signature Required: Visa Ends Signature Requirement This Upcoming April
With EMV, increased security and convenience are being brought straight to the point of sale, meaning a signature is no longer necessary.

EVO Announces Acquisition of Sterling Payment Technologies, including Sterling B2B Group
The acquisition significantly enhances Sterling B2B Group’s ability to serve business-to-business customers.