EVO News

Merchant’s Quick Guide to EMV
EMV chip cards help protect merchants and consumers by making it very difficult to create a counterfeit card, or to use a lost or stolen card in card-present transactions. In addition to processing EMV chip cards, your EMV-enabled terminals can also accept payments from mobile devices equipped with a “digital wallet” such as Apple Pay or Google Wallet.

Why EMV Technology Is Only One Part of the Security Solution
U.S. retail and restaurant owners and operators have a big opportunity to improve security at the point of sale with EMV technology, a global standard for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology. It ensures that the card is authentic and belongs to the customer using it.

How Your Merchants Can Make the Most of Car Wash POS Systems
With a car wash POS system, your merchant can maximize their earning potential.

On-Demand Webinar: How To Reduce Payment Friction and Identify Savings for SAP Merchants
Simplify, accelerate and optimize your ability to sell online with Delego RapidPay and innovative processing solutions by EVO B2B.

Point-of-Sale 101 for Home-Based Businesses
Whether you sell items online or customers come to your home-based business to make purchases, you need to be able to ring up sales accurately and streamline as many processes as possible

What Food Trucks Need in a Point-of-Sale Solution
A POS system designed specifically for the mobile food industry gives you access to the information you need in real time while helping to keep customers happy and lines moving quickly.