EVO News

5 Tips for Selecting a Mobile Point of Sale Solution
The right mPOS system can do much more for your business than simply complete transactions and process payments. In fact, a good mPOS system can streamline many of your business operations and even eliminate the need to do many things separately.

Finding the Right Fit for Your Merchants’ Medical POS System
In choosing and setting up a medical POS system for your merchants’ facility, it is important to take a variety of factors into consideration.

3 Types of Field Service Businesses that Need Integrated Payments
To give your clients the greatest benefits, you need to integrate your application with the right payments solution.

An Early Look at the Evolution of Integrated Payments
Following its inception into the marketplace, the cash register began to revolutionize the industry and as a result, NCR’s business boomed. By 1893, they had acquired all of the major competitors in the space. Seventy five years later in 1968, NCR announced the release of the first electronic cash register, or ECR, and became the pioneer of point-of-sale products.

Ten Steps to Save Your Merchants from Data Breaches
The first question you should ask in order to determine whether their business is at risk of a data breach is whether the company maintains sensitive data related to customer credit or debit card information. Additionally, merchants should consider whether they maintain financial information, company records, operational reports, budgets, or other data related to business associates or suppliers.

Tablets and the Future of Point of Sale
No longer is it necessary to be weighed down by bulky point-of-sale systems, especially those merchants who operate outside of a normal brick and mortar setting. Today, merchants can make use of tablets to ring up sales and process credit card payments from anywhere.