EVO News

Tablets and the Future of Point of Sale
No longer is it necessary to be weighed down by bulky point-of-sale systems, especially those merchants who operate outside of a normal brick and mortar setting. Today, merchants can make use of tablets to ring up sales and process credit card payments from anywhere.

Finding the Right Fit for Your Merchant’s Casual Dining Restaurant POS System
Here are several features and items for your merchant to help ease them in the process, make the most of their POS system, and better manage their business.

Biometrics and the Evolution of the Payment Industry
While smaller businesses remain cash only, a majority are going cashless. The credit card has evolved from data being read and processed from the magstripe on the back to now containing an EMV chip used to authenticate transactions. The EMV technology allows the data to be stored both on integrated circuits as well as the stripe.

Looking Beyond PCI Compliance: More Ways to Increase Security
In the past few years, there has been a significant effort to curb debit and credit card fraud, especially through the integration of mobile and EMV payment processing. However, while these platforms tend to be effective shields against bogus payments, merchants should still seek to do more when it comes to ensuring they and their customers aren’t hit by fraud on a regular basis.

How the Right Healthcare Payment Methods Can Help You Sell Software to Providers
Integrating a feature-rich payments solution with the healthcare software application you develop can multiply the value you can provide to your clients and prospects.

Tips for Making POS Systems Less Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks
In just the last few years, the retail and hospitality industries have been prime targets for a multitude of cyberattacks. Point of sale (POS) systems have been particularly vulnerable, with debit and credit card readers being targeted in an effort to steal confidential financial information.